Wednesday, March 14

get yourself together

     There are moments in our lives when you don't know what to do next. Most of the things in your life go through a tough time friends, family, even yourself can work out problems or figure out how to hep others. The last aprt goes for me at least. When your one of your best friends feels so lonely and insecure you need to lend her/him a hand, when a person in your family goes through a rough patch you need to be there for her/him and after all these you need to see what else is going on in your own life. I don't manage well in the last section. Worrying about everything and everyone just doesn't work out very good for me, but sure enough i can't just stand there and do nothing, that's not me anyway.
    So, what needs to be done now? That sure is a great question, to which i can't find a satisfying response. Everyone deals with stuff like that in their one way and i have a plan in my mind, but not about it's results since plans don't always work the way you want them to. I'll try to deal with one problem at a time, but this hasn't worked very good for me, at least for the time being.

However, the most important thing i need to do is:

Save myself, let the best parts of my characters in the outside, stop the miserable look.

Monday, March 5

Keep up

     Wake up, wash your face, get ready for school and (try to) pay attention in the class. That's a child's everyday routine. However, when we (teens) have a bad day, or week, or month maybe, we are supposed to keep up with our lives.  As far as the most of people are concerned that's how it's gonna be, if every time somebody had a bad day, he skipped school or work, then the world would have even more problems than he already has. Despite all this, how are we going to do everything we are supposed to when our minds are off the classroom? When we can't concentrate in anything else but our problems? (Ok, i'll skip the irony part where i have to say that teens can't have any real problems).
     Some try to just "turn off" the switch off caring about something, but i have to say, it's not going to last for long. So what is left to do? My advice? Deal with the problem when it's still early because the longer it lasts the worse it gets and at some later point, you won't feel like dealing with it...

Wednesday, February 15

i wish i could explain

There are times when you simply don't know what to do. You feel that something is going terribly wrong but you don't know what. However, every problem has a solution (that's what out mathematicians at school, say, right?), so what's the solution to this problem?


Fall on your bed and believe that when you wake up everything is going to be okay?

Wait for anything to happen, so that you can figure out what's happening?

I wish i knew...

Saturday, January 28

A debt to the grandmother (final)

    Max looked out of the bedroom's window which faced a narrow street, it was raining, another rainy day, he thought. He put on his work's uniform and rushed out his small apartment, he had been leaving in London for almost 3 years and he still hadn't got used to that rain.It had passed 5 years since his grandmother decided to show his the right way, the way he followed, partly. After that day, he went to the class in regular bases, as well as doing his homework. Two years later, few days after his graduation from high school, she passed away. Her death had a get effect on him and took him a while to stand up to his own feet again. Despite her good relationship with Max' s mother, he avoided her and denied her. Even though his grandmother's last wish was for him to mend the gap between them, he never did the first step, neither his mother as she was completely absorbed by her work and new husband.
      After two years of hard labour, Max decided to leave his home-village and go to London, to look for a better job, better than cutting woods. Of course, his real motive was to pay his debt to his grandmother, as he still felt deeply indebted to her, despite her death. After spending some months in an open university, he took a diploma and got employed. He did what his grandmother told him, he became better than his father, he left the village without leaving nobody behind (his mother didn't count at all).
    He walked through the rainy streets of London and got into the factory where he worked.

And he finally felt happy.