Thursday, September 27

Good things happen in movies

    Some nights ago a little elf came in my dreams and whispered in my ear: "Stop dreaming foolish things, dream about unrealistic things that'll make you happy, without the hope they'll actually happen. Imagining that something will change in real world, is a waste of time and of your gray matter.
An elf wandering around during September, never lies.

Sunday, September 16

Lost People

Have your ever felt the sorrow on your skin?
Have you ever tried the sweetness of blasphemy?
Then keep the rest of us away
Since we are the source of the problem

No, don't bother to give a hand
we are already baptized in our sins
Hot burning pot of will
What would I give to change?

"Keep your demons out" read the sign
as intruding to the house of a so-called God
never accept the sacred
without checking with the landlord

Some sort of error occured
during my birth or infancy
since i was born
with an element missing

Don't make a fuss over it
it's already done
the chance you once had
is forever lost

Wednesday, September 12

Angelic Faces, a Poem of Truth

Did you know London Girl
that people with angelic faces
are the protestors of Hell?

The ones with dreadful masks
should be feared
only if you want to meet
the light of tommorow

To the next generation they wish
more for their lives
than the goods the rest have
to spent the following night

Shall the sunlight burn their skins
as if they were dead
cause the hollow of their souls
has no hope of salvation

Did you know London Girl
that Devil's manners are gentler
than those of the people with angelic faces?

Wednesday, August 15

A Death For Their Dog

It is strange, isn't it? The way people get attached with their dogs and cats? Within the years they become part of our life and family...Then one day, after a lot of years of companionship with them, you find them dead to the world....It is a pain, equal to the one you feel when losing a person to whom you're related.

To the dog who's been around in my entire chilhood,

                                                                                 Ludo R.I.P