Monday, November 29

....Good News....Bad News...

Good News
 1)I and Ady did the project and turned out to be very good.Now we have just to wait and see out teacher's opinion....
2) My dog was finally washed and trimmed by my father after she had almost become allergic to herself because all the dirt she had all over her.
3) In 11 days from now I'll be hosting a child (almost in my age) cause of a program I participate, but I quite like the idea of hosting a child.That's why I volunteered, I already have a friend in Poland and soon I'll have a friend in Italy...
Bad News
1) I have another project to make, luckily with other two human-beings(Marica and Horest) online by a specific site.How cool is that?(No very much)

2)  I'm in quite a bad mood again and I really don't feel like studying anything from the loads of homework I have to do....
3) I can't stand the how fast the days pass and we have to do all those things....ha....

Sunday, November 28

...bad mood...

     As the title says, I'm in a pretty bad moo and I'll explain why:I had a project to do with a friend of mine, Ady, who left me do a project because 1) She is one of the most irresponsible people I know 2) If and when she has projects which must be done by a team she leaves the work to the others and she just says in the end that she worked too.So I'll explain the situation now:Today I went with my friend , Catherine, to the cinema and watched Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, which was a quite good movie, but I expected more.
     Whatever, my subject here is my bad mood.We arrived at the cinema in time and got tickets, however we had half a hour until the movie started, so we went to play some games which are included in the area of cinema. That was when we saw Ady with her brother and sister.Then I wondered: Are you fucking kidding me???Really?Come on I came to relax here.Luckily we didn't watch the movie at the same time, but it was enough to change my mood.She didn't say or do anything wrong then but I was completely annoyed by the fact that she saw me she had a huge smile and did like everything was alright!!!!!I will tell her about that and no matter what excuses she has, I'm going to make her shut the hell up!!
       Ohh, I feel much better now that I wrote them down......However I'm still pissed of so I stop because if i keep up like this i won't stop writing till the end of the week.

Garfield Theory: When people say <<sorry>> they mean "You deserved it".When they say "I didn't do it on purpose" they mean "I did it just to piss you off" and when the say "It's not my fault, it's his/her(sb) they DON'T mean anything from the previous phrases.They mean hat they are cowards and don't know what to do with the responsibilities they have.When you see one of those people in your team or you choose a team it would be wise not to get them and if you do make them work!(If they don't work either give them a specific part of the project and then you'll say to the teacher "everyone did what he was supposed to do except him/her".So, he/her 'll pay for what they HAVEN'T done.....

Bye-Bye and don't let others play with you lives


Saturday, November 27


    I'm "super-tired"!I know that this word doesn't excist but you get what I want to say, right??All the week I've been busy with all sorts of stuff and now I have 2 projects to finish and the 1 must be finished until Monday....Crap.The other girl, the one we had to fo the project together, backed off  and now because she is irresponsible and can't do the simplest things in the world and makes other do them for her, I'm supposed to do it by myself....Oh, Ady you've put me into so much troubles.....

As you can understand, I'm pretty pissed of, but tonight I got out with a friend of mine, John Janets, everyone is calling him Janets, so do I.He is such a good guy...We were talking for 2,5 hours, but then it got late and we had to seperate.He is one of the very rare boys who can talk to you without making annoying comments and stuff.He also paid for the drinks we got at starbucks, he is such a gentleman and most of all: a very good friend.I didn't get bored with him, somthing that comes in contrast with my relationship with my other fiends, who are mostly girls.When I'm with them we have nothing to talk about, but with him we talked about so many things that my friends aren't really inerested in.Before you make any conclusions, I have to say tha I see him as a friend and only.

     The worst part of my (now) week is that I won't sleep as much as I want neither tommorow becuse I have to wake up early so as to go shopping....Now the logic person will ask:Can't you postpone it?No, I can't because all my tracksuits are going to be thrown because they are all damaged......

Bye-Bye guys I got some sleeping to do.....

Wednesday, November 24

24/7 a week, back in action

   Sometimes we'd all love to have more or less hours a day.Right now I really need MORE!!!I need it to become 27 hours a day instead of 24.....I have a project and a have no time to spend on it without missing an activity or not doing my homework, so I need 3 more hours!!!!

Now, I have another statement to make : Why do we still have sun?I mean it's November for God's shake!!In 6 days we have December and some people can still get out of the house with a T-shirt and shorts!Come on people, it's time to rain and  snow, I WANT RAIN AND SNOW!!!!!I'm from Greece and it only snow once in 10 years (or more ) and rains (in winter) once a week.Why???????????????????


I've been playing tennis for 6 years when I stopped.Not because of me, I just couldn't have lessons the hours they could.They said that they would call me to arrange the hours(on September) but they didn't call me until 7 seven days ago.It looks like the economical crisis effect them......So, I'm playing again twice a week, as I used to.However, I haven't played tennis for 6 months so I'm a little bit out "out of the water" but after some practice I'll be as good as new. 

Garfield Theory : Before you go to sleep do some thinking : be glad to have your friends, feel pity about the bullies in your school/work and happy not to be them.After realizing why you should be glad, pity and happy you'll sleep much easier and much better.Believe me, I'm Garfield!