Saturday, November 30

"Everyone goes away"

I've been accused, more than once, that I'm insensitive. "Sometimes you don't get it when you hurt people with what you say" "Plain rude" They would say.
So, sun stands for hope you say?

But does that make you lot? What if you say crude things more often to me than you understand, what does that make you?

That's why I like polite people. "Please" & "Thank you" are actually two of my favourite words. So, what about next time we talk on the phone you don't say "Everyone and everything goes away from you. You are losing everyone".
                                                 That might be a good start..

Tuesday, October 29

Confession No1

They say that when life gives you lemons,  blah blah blah stuff.

I don't like lemons and I don't like when life gives them...I want oranges. Lots and lots of oranges!

PS: I like life as much as I like lemons...

If I had that view from my balcony, I'd fall off and die a happy person.
I like big squares spaces, you can blend in the crowd (when there is one), none notices your existence... 

Saturday, August 17


Funk has a variety of meanings, in this specific case it means depressed mood. That thing when you don't want to do anything? When you think that you have something to think about but you don't know what it is?
A combination of both these things.Maybe it's related to the fact that i'm staying indoors all day, surfing online and studying..Just need to get out of this funk...

Sunday, August 4


Last night on summer school a friend told me

"You have to succeed" he said

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen" he said

"Even though you are shorter than me, you are way taller than me" he said

Damn you, Benjamin, you are a sweetheart...

Wednesday, July 10

Like master like dog

Napping all day, barking all night..
They say that pets are the mirrors of their masters.

Mine sure as hell is!

Friday, June 7

Crappy Day

Today was a real crappy day..A really crappy day, indeed.

Night sometimes makes up for a bad day..

Saturday, May 18

Ignorance is a bliss, indeed

When people take notice of an unfortunate situation, they have two choices. Either help or ignore. However, either way they have to live on with what they have or haven't done.
Maybe when you are a toddler and you know nothing, no concerns or responsibilities, maybe that's when you're truly blissfull.

Like a dog on a walk.Not having clue what's just above it.

Thursday, March 21


    In physics you can describe the situation of a ball or rock or whatever the exercise asks for by saying in Phase 1 is blah blah Phase 2 is blahblah blah mathematical formulas  blahblah blah
  When it comes to people though we tend to say "He is sad" rather than "It appears that  the emotion of sadness has overwhelmed him" or " He is in phase of denial/fear etc and he soon shall preced in the state of acceptance". We say this simple phrases in terms that people can understand our feelings with no misunderstandings, yet even by using so plain words, things happen.

So, if I say I think I'm in phase where things that doesn't cocnern me happen and I'm just an observer, what would you understand? I feel boredom, lonely, self-cenetered? No of them?

Conclusion: I should use simpler terms
Example: These are oranges!

Thursday, February 14

A Turtle In My Yard

There is a turtle in my yard. Of course it's not any ordinary turtle, it's a very mysterious introvert turtle and if it was just an ordinary turtle it wouldn't live in my yard. Rarely do I ever see him (yes i decided he is a he with absolutely no proof whatsoever) and he is very fast, therefore his name is Speedy Gonzales (yes like the cartoon). I've never seen any turtle move as fast as he does, sometimes he also tries to bite my shoes but fails. Now that i think about it, maybe his middle name should be Flash (yes!Like the super hero).

Speedy Flash Gonzales, sounds good to me. 

Tuesday, January 29

I don't like tea

The moment i think everything is fine, everything turns upside down.
It's a pity i don't like tea, though..

Is anybody out there who can promise me Utopia?