Sunday, February 22

Does this darkness have a name?

I found this poem the other day...Seems quite accurate.

When men fight the darkness in their life
It's not of artillery or verbal or mere emotional strife
It's just that darkness, that cruelty, that sadness
Coldly wondering whether this darkness have a name? 
Wondering how it found us, the cruelty, the hatred! 
Like a thief in the night, wondering how it stole their souls

Do men embrace it, or seek it? or it just finds them
That sadness, the loneliness, that which grips men's hearts
What happened to men, to us, to the world? 
That men send their children into the world 
Like young men to war, hoping for safe return
But deep down knowing that some will be lost on the way

Consumed by the faint lines of evident cruelty
Consumed by the deadly shadows
Swallowed whole by the darkness
Does this darkness have a name?