Monday, September 12

One Thing

One thing is to start over, another thing is to mend your ways.

Every beginning requires a change of attitude...

                                  Are you ready to change Miss?

                                  Are you ready Mister?

Discover, See and Accept....Everything you see in you is a part of you and you can either accept it or reverse it.

It's up to you.

Tuesday, August 23


  1) People go on holidays. People stay at their homes. People stay at their homes but find a way to go on holiday on their own way. In which category are you in?...
   Most people find the summer vacation nice and relaxing but others can't afford going or they just don't want to go.  Understandable from all the points of view, i believe.

2)  This year i spent almost 2 months out of home and i have to admit, it was great! On the other hand, however, i had to say i was a full time traveller specialy during April and i got really and totally tired, din't even enjoy my easter-vacation. Anyway, just saying....
3) Last time i posted in this blog, i was announcing my plans to go to Kastoria, maybe bragging a little bit. Since then i went to Paris, Kalymnos(Greek island) and of course Kastoria. My holidays haven't come to their end quitte yet, i'm going to Santorini(Greek island) for 4 days and then couple of weeks later(maybe less) back to school. I can't say i'm really looking forward to this...
Those were 3 things i wanted to say, just that..
Oh, yeah i shouldn't forget to say (after quitte some time) a garfield theory..

Garfield theory: Holidays are not necessarily, just a chance for the mind to calm down and give you a boost of energy to help you go on for the rest of the year, unitl next holiday. Even without holiday everyone must find a way to relax sth little an every day hoby, or once a week, once a month do sth for yourself . IIt can be absolutely anything, could be 10 minutes more in the shower(i know, bad economy, bad for the environment nut just once in a while it won;t hurt, i guess), playing tennis, golf, basseball!Anything that will help you relax and help the others around you relax is good..

Tuesday, July 5

it's high time i left the city..

I'm going to Kastoria on Thursday, yeahhh I'll go by the airplane of course, who would drive 8-10 hours to get there?Not my father and definitely not me...

Kastoria is a very nice town sth like this..
My sister took that's picture of the lake, kind of nice isn't it?

Ok, I'll be even more specific,look at that:(i found the pic online, how convenient?)

And I''l stay there for 2 weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, 20.160 minutes(if i' m not mistaken), 1.209.600 seconds. Anyway, what i mean is that for all this time the only think i' m going to do is sleeping, surfing online and eating my beloved's grandmother great,delicious meals!Anyone jealous?

Sunday, June 19

bad situation...

     I have a friend, let's call her Cathy. She has a bffe, no problem with that and I'm not going to try and seperate them or sth but she is just so mean to me. She does all this stuff in front of my face, to be specific sometimes behind my back and for no reason at all she does stuff. Today, at a party where we were, she trow a glass of soda at my back and she didn't even refuse it, she just looked around doing like nothing happened. I tried to get closer to her many times, once in a while seems to respond and treat me nice...for a few seconds, then she starts again. I've asked her what's her problem but she won't answer!!!God, she drives me crazy!
   I think that because she has overweigh has troubles with being herself, the only thing she knows how to do is spread rumors and lie, she says so many lies, I don't know when to believe her and when to ignore her. I just wish she confronted me once and for all!Talk me about what she worries about and feels so threaten by me. The source of all these mean and hatred must be my friendship with Cathy . I hope she does sth before i quit ignoring her...