Tuesday, October 29

Confession No1

They say that when life gives you lemons,  blah blah blah stuff.

I don't like lemons and I don't like when life gives them...I want oranges. Lots and lots of oranges!

PS: I like life as much as I like lemons...

If I had that view from my balcony, I'd fall off and die a happy person.
I like big squares spaces, you can blend in the crowd (when there is one), none notices your existence... 

Saturday, August 17


Funk has a variety of meanings, in this specific case it means depressed mood. That thing when you don't want to do anything? When you think that you have something to think about but you don't know what it is?
A combination of both these things.Maybe it's related to the fact that i'm staying indoors all day, surfing online and studying..Just need to get out of this funk...

Sunday, August 4


Last night on summer school a friend told me

"You have to succeed" he said

"You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen" he said

"Even though you are shorter than me, you are way taller than me" he said

Damn you, Benjamin, you are a sweetheart...

Wednesday, July 10

Like master like dog

Napping all day, barking all night..
They say that pets are the mirrors of their masters.

Mine sure as hell is!