Friday, May 16

Fighting over Chips

Today I managed to fall out with my best friend over chips.Over freaking Pringles! " Last time you bought the one with blablah flavour and I bought the one you took this time. "No you didn't" That was the point of the fall out, who bought what flavour...

Of course it takes two to dance, meaning that we both took a part in a development of a conversation that ended up in a fight. The main reason is that she was annoyed for I believe I'm always right.But that's not the case at all.

I believe that I'm not always right, but I'm rarely wrong.

Cheers to Meaningless Fights.

Sunday, March 23

A Sophisticated dialogue

-Time to see my babes..

-Which ones?Laptop,iPad,iPod, porn under the bed?

-It's not under the bed!

Saturday, November 30

"Everyone goes away"

I've been accused, more than once, that I'm insensitive. "Sometimes you don't get it when you hurt people with what you say" "Plain rude" They would say.
So, sun stands for hope you say?

But does that make you lot? What if you say crude things more often to me than you understand, what does that make you?

That's why I like polite people. "Please" & "Thank you" are actually two of my favourite words. So, what about next time we talk on the phone you don't say "Everyone and everything goes away from you. You are losing everyone".
                                                 That might be a good start..

Tuesday, October 29

Confession No1

They say that when life gives you lemons,  blah blah blah stuff.

I don't like lemons and I don't like when life gives them...I want oranges. Lots and lots of oranges!

PS: I like life as much as I like lemons...

If I had that view from my balcony, I'd fall off and die a happy person.
I like big squares spaces, you can blend in the crowd (when there is one), none notices your existence...