Wednesday, October 26

teen issues

Watch out ladies and gentlemen!Teenagers tend too be mooody, instead of "be aware of the dog" sign in a house there should be a "be aware of the teen"!

  From personal exprerience I strongly advice you check the "weather" before entering in his/her room or talk to him., for God shakes you have no neeed of a helmet (i'm sure some of you might think of that since my intoduction was kind of fierce)..Ok, i'm scarinf you, aren't I? I juist prepare you for the worst case senario (not i'm not, worst case scenario involves teen pregnancy and drugs)..

 Patience is a great quality in a human being, especially in a parent.

So, to sum up, i advise you kept some patience in storage because troubles are just around the corner for a teen and chocolates, chocolates usually help girls cool down, won't solver any problems but they migth help occasionally...

Have a nice night people...

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