Saturday, January 22

going somewhere??

     Ladies and gentlemen, kids and grandpas it's true!!I'm going to Denmark with a european program!!++I was the 1st to be chosen(i had the best qualifications)!!!I'll go there for 5 days!!And later(the same month)I'll go in another 4 day trip(with school) aka I'll not be in my school for almost a month once, after the 4 day trip, it'll be Easter.
    No, I'm not done yet with the good news.I'll go to a concert where my favourite singer/actor will be singing!!!If that's not amazing what is it??I'm so excited for the travel and the concert!!!I wanna scream!!!

However, missing school time doesn't mean that I won't have any homework because being in this program means that you'll have to do a lot of projects and transformation(from greek to english, once the presentation will be presented in front of children from other countries).

Mmm, well that's all for now.Ladies and gentlemen, kids and grandpas you read the broadcoast of the 1.00 pm.More news whenever we have sth to tell!!

Thursday, January 13

..back to school..

    Hey everyone!How is you first week back at school/work going?Sucks, I know.Ohh, my crick?It went away 3 days after I posted the post about it.
    Every day passes so slow that I can almost watch everything arround me in slow motion!!
   Even the noisy ones,every class has some kids who talk or make noise, even them are quite!!!Please, for God's shake, do sth I'm bored here(I think while we are having a lesson).Some of them made quite good jokes from time to time, but now they've stopped.You never know, it may be just the first week.....
    This is not enough of course and my luck goes from the bad to the worse.My (lets say her)suppose to be best-friend has compaints for me.That I don't ask her anything and don't talk to much.She wasn't there for me when I needed her,I'm not saying I won't be there for her, but she can't say that kind of things!We may not be in our best right now, but I'll be there for her,as long as she lets me be, once she doesn't say a thing anything!Like: a complaint about her parents, someone, sth that troubles her...What in earth I'm I supposed to do Penelope?I'll stay around....I'll do my best..

That's all for now..Bye-bye guys and girls, I hope you have/had a better week than I do/did..

Monday, January 3

first post for 2011!!

    Happy new year!!Ok, I'm a little late!I know that I should have posted sth like that earlier but I was bored and know I'm kind of paralyzed...Not paralyzed but if I move my head to any direction my neck will pain as hell why?One word: Crick!It just came up!I had a terrible sleep and ....crap...I want to whine so much....I think this is how a bad year starts...
This is a song that I heard randomly from my sister...I think it fits my situation just great!

......Until my crick goes away don't expect me to write anything, except if it' s really important... 

Thursday, December 30

last note for 2010

I know that in the previous text I said that it was the last for 2010 but I forgot to say something bery important important!!!

A second before year changes wish something.Not anything, like a bike or a new playstation game, but something you truly want and need.A second before the year changes whisper quietly something that you want to  happen or stay stable...