Saturday, February 19

special people

   Everyone is special, with his own and unique way.You might be fat or slim, genius or idiot, strong or weak but you are still unique and nobody can say that you are not.Despite, if we were all the same, the world would be boring, wouldn't it?Just imagine: A world full of men with black suits and women with pink blouses and white skirts, it sucks, doesn't it?That's only one of the billion scenarios, because as we said everyone is diffrent from the οther.But some people like the way they are and are annoyed when the other around them staring at them with a look full of critisism.
   Ok, lets get it the other way around.Imagine yourself(if you are not) be the one who is being teased by the others, you hate it and what are you going to do next?You will do what they did to you, but to some other kid and that kid to the next.Where does this lead to?To a place where everyone looks the other with suspiciousness, aggressive characters will be born this way and no-one will accept the other if it has not the same aggressive and dark soul.
  To sum up, what I want to say is that making fun of everyone who's different won't lead you nowhere.You'll have just enjoyed yourself for some minutes( probably everyday) .Then we will all be able to congratulate you for what you've done and the "special" kid which will be "different" from you.Nothing will help later, if you need to do sth, is to stop doing it.

Sunday, February 13

Valentine's Day :@:@

    No,no,no!!I refuse to accept that tomorrow (almost)everything and everyone will have that stupid smile in their faces!Come on people!Show some mercy here!!!Every patisserie,super market or the smallest shop in your corner that respects itself will have at least a dozen of heart shaped chocolates!!(Crap + crap * crap)/crap = crap
   I wish I had a Valentine.....Crap, I love chocolates so tomorrow I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING THAT REMINDS ME OF THE CRAPPY MISERABLE VALENTINE'S DAY.....
   +1)I take an exam on geometry tomorrow and If I'm really lucky I'll get a C.
 +2) I take and exam on ancient Greek on Tuesday and guess what!!I suck at these things...Crap!!!!

I wanna go on holidays!!!I wanna be left alone......Crap,crap,crap.....

Wednesday, February 9

"You son of a...hypocrite"

Today I called my tennis instructor hypocrite.He never watches us when we play, he talk with all the people who pass by the court.Today he saw us and said that were are disobedient and we don't follow his orders.I got really pissed off.So, after the lesson,in front of the other kids I asked him if I could say my opinion about him during the period of half-1 minute, but he wouldn't punish me or whine about it.He agreed.So I told him that he is a hypocrite and other stuff, if said the reasons why I believe that and he tried to deffence himself...The only thing I was thinking while he was talking was one "bullshits!!".Whatever...that son of a...hypocrite!!

I'm really tired,bored and sad.....I want to keep myself busy but I don't have anything to do except my miserable,crappy homework...Today I cried, for no reason at all, in the bathroom....I'm not alright...I need sth to do or thing or whatever...I have none to talk to...Crap.....The second's term exams have started and the only think I truly and honestly can't do is studying......Crap and Crap!!!

Friday, February 4

ski trip

     Yes,yes,yes lucky me.I'm going on a ski trip which is organised by my school's parent club.This trip will be great fun since we will be about 150 teenagers going around at the ski center.Every kid will have an escort(adult), for every 2-5 children will be 1 escort.My escort will be my friend's ,Catherine, mother.She will be escorting me,Catherine and Nely(Catherines little sister).We will have a ski tutor(once we are comp;letely irrelevant with the subject).ohh, I can't wait!!!
    The bad news is that we will have to be at the meeting point(where the buses will be) at 6.10 in the morning, so I'll have to wake up at 5:00, Catherine and her mum will pick me up from my home.
I may have other things to say but I don't remember right now, the only thing I know is that I must go to sleep at about 10.00 either wise,I'll not be moving tomorrow at all.
So, bye-bye for now!!