Thursday, December 30

last note for 2010

I know that in the previous text I said that it was the last for 2010 but I forgot to say something bery important important!!!

A second before year changes wish something.Not anything, like a bike or a new playstation game, but something you truly want and need.A second before the year changes whisper quietly something that you want to  happen or stay stable...

Monday, December 27

happy new year!!

    Ok, ladies and gentlemen long time no see..Sorry people but I'm kind of busy these days....I'd like to wish a happy new year to everyone because I know that many people feel or are lonely these days and they shouldn't be.That's one of the many reasons that I'd like to wish a happy new year, health and whatever everyone wants to all of you people.
    Remember, this time of the year we are not supposed to get throw it just great and don't care about all the others who can't have the same fun as we have, so if you can offer anything to anyone it would be something more than terrific!
     People out there, in 4 days we will have a new year along with new people in our lives, new troubles to..trouble us and many other new things that we will have to accept.We have no other choice, what can I say?Life is like a bowl with chocolates, you don't know if it has you favourite taste or your least favourite but you have to deal with your choices/decisions and suffer from consequences which come with them.However New year's Eve it's a good way to forget the past and concentrate on not doing the same mistakes you did the last year!Let's not forget what our ancestors used to say(in free translation) Doing the same mistake twice doesn't show a smart man.
Well, that's all I had to say, see you next year!

Garfield theory: We(humanbeings) are made to make mistakes, right?Right!New year's Eve it's a good opportunity and great excuse to apologize for whatever you've done wrong and because of the "holy days" ask for forgiveness, which will be given quite easy(because of the "holy days").

Wednesday, December 22

It's always sunny outside

    Today we got our school reports and I got some very good marks.I have to say something about the days when we get our reports: It's always sunny oustide!!These days are always sunny, it's never rainy or windy!!
     However I though of that expression this morning and it's not just in specific days or in summer.It's the way we see it.If we are happy, nothing trouble or bother us, we see the bright side of the world.When we are in bad mood and bad-tempered, the only thing we see is the black clouds coming forward to our direction.Personally taliing, the last days have been quite messy for me so....balck clouds were all around me...
     AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, i may started to be a little overeacting with the happiness thing, but what am i suppose to do???The only think I can think of, right now, is to listen to a song..Yes, that's what I going to do!

Sunday, December 19

....feeling a little bit strange....

Hello leadies and gentlemen from our Gatfield's channel and and beloved cartoon character!

I'm very happy!why?I'll tell you tight away : 1) I slept for 12 hours yesterday and today
                                                                  2)I don't feel angry or bad-tempered, something that's quite rare for this time of the season because I'm like that most of the time.
                                                                 3) I had a great time yesterday at first with my god-father and his daughter and later with my sister and her friends at the hard rock cafe....
However my happiness comes out only from these 2 days because the previus's wasn't so good....
I had I fight with my other friend Eve and we ,literally talking, pulled its others hair.It looks like that with Andy and Eve the last words in our books are "bye-bye for good"..

That's the news for today's broadcast.More news tomorrow or whenever we have time and new topics!
Ladies and gentlemen, that's the broadcast for Garfield's channel tonight!

Tuesday, December 14

..I'm back!

As the title say : I'm back!After 5 days of exhaustion my guest left and return to her home.ohh, crap at the weekend I had to wake up at 7.00 both days!!!I always wake up at 1.00 or 2.00 at these days....I miss my 24 hours of sleep I miss (12 per day,weekend).

The gap in my friendship with Ady is getting biger..I've tried enough so fur.It's her turn now..

I'm downloading some songs now.I wanted to download these songs for weeks but I was postponing all the time so...
Well, I don't have much to tell..o, yes.I have to show off a little: I took an Italian exam last week and our teacher said that we could take the exam with open books!Everyone had their books open and took the exam,everyone except me!I didn't want to do that because it is against my ideology  and beliefs.However, it turned out to be a good choice because I got the best mark!Yes, every took like 13/20 or less and I got a 17/20.Ok it's not 20/20 but in comparisopn with the others who had their books open, it's great!
....OK, that's the news for the today's broadcast.More news tommorows broadcast at 11.30 or earlier or the day after today.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's the broadcast for Garfield's channel!

Wednesday, December 8


Some days ago I decided : Bad-mood Garfield goes away(at least for the time being until January) and happy Garfield takes its place!
Yes, Christmas have made itself quite notable , if you think the you can see everywhere Christmas lights and Christmas advertisment in
order to advertise clothes, items and especially toys..However, to make myself clear I have to say that I nearly made my family, help me with the Christmas tree and the house's decoration..
  Ladies and gentleman, kids and grand-people I have an announcement to make : 17 days until Christmas and 23 days until the New Year's eve!!!

+ on Friday there the Italian guys coming and generally all the kids from Denmark,Poland,United kingdom,Norway and as I said Italy.However there are also bad news: We will have to wake up at 7.30 on Saturday and Sunday in order to go sightseeing with them and the next day on a day-trip to Epidauros theater...Come on people...Seriously??That is the time that I have to make a  sacrifice and lose my beloved 12 hours sleep..Bye-Bye sleep...

+ I have an exam to take on Monday and I won't be able to study for it because I will be busy on the weekend.Luckily I have a tutor and we will do a revision together so I'll be ready for it.

+ On Friday is the prom and that's great!I really need to hang out right now!

Ok, I put quite a lot pictures of Garfield but as you now, I Garfield in person!



Friday, December 3

Have you ever though of death?

    Have you ever though of death?I've been thinking about it quite a lot recently, if you think that I was nearly run over by a car twice in the period of 1 week....Ok, the first time the fault was all mine, but today a looked the street and 2 seconds later a car pass just in front of me....Come on people!We all have works to do and places to go but we don't ride a car and kill all the people who stand in front of us!

Right now I'm pretty much exhausted because of the long day I exam in ancient Greek (what a luck!).I went to the dentist whose place is quite fur from my home I n addition to all these I had my racking-nerves English teacher,oh dear Lord I can stand her!!!She finally told me that we wouldn't talk me again(for out-lesson issues).If i really want i can be hated, which i did...  

Sorry guys, I'm too tired to talk about family-christmas-holiday things....maybe tomorrow...