Wednesday, December 7

what Christmas stand for...

The Christmas spirit is evident now, everyone can see it, in shops where Christmas trees appear as bright as ever, on the streets you can hear songs all the home home on TV with ridiculous advertisements about Christmas candles and Santa-Claus' appearance at the Mall.  But, what is Christmas all about?Selling stuff and buying more?Having an illusion that everything is fine because of the celebrations when everything is wrong?

In my opinion, it's about the spirit. People know that nothing can magically be fixed, but Christmas time make us feel less troubled and overwhelmed. So this is what Christmas stand for me, a comfort. A comfort before the New Year comes and throw our lives upside-down once again..(so to speak..)

Happy Christmas..

Thursday, November 10

stranger's shadow

If my soul goes away,
and my eyes get shut forever
don't forget my way
the way of being a stranger

When the light turns down
and forget all about being a shadow
hoping i won't be on my own
will finally give up on my sorrow

Bring the sun in my life
 would be a loss of time
but if you make me try
the stranger won't stay in life

Listen to my yearn for help
and give a hand to lift my weight
open your mind, stay alert
and let my shadow go away

By Irene NJ Grarfield C. (original)

P.S Just felt like writting something like that

P.S2 NJ stands for NioNio Johny

Monday, November 7

fix me..

Ever since i heard this song, two days ago, i've been looking forward to listening to it again and again, probably because it suits me so much....


A questions has stuck in my mind and it just won't leave. Who is gonna fix me?

Tuesday, November 1

i wish i was the moon..............

"I wish i was the moon" says the song and i have only one question to ask...why people are so attracted by the moon? Is it because it gives you a feeling of smallness in contrast with the rest of the world or is it just the obvious choice since it's your only company in a cold night?

Wednesday, October 26

teen issues

Watch out ladies and gentlemen!Teenagers tend too be mooody, instead of "be aware of the dog" sign in a house there should be a "be aware of the teen"!

  From personal exprerience I strongly advice you check the "weather" before entering in his/her room or talk to him., for God shakes you have no neeed of a helmet (i'm sure some of you might think of that since my intoduction was kind of fierce)..Ok, i'm scarinf you, aren't I? I juist prepare you for the worst case senario (not i'm not, worst case scenario involves teen pregnancy and drugs)..

 Patience is a great quality in a human being, especially in a parent.

So, to sum up, i advise you kept some patience in storage because troubles are just around the corner for a teen and chocolates, chocolates usually help girls cool down, won't solver any problems but they migth help occasionally...

Have a nice night people...

Sunday, October 16

feels like winter to me..

Maybe it's the cold, maybe it's the romantic side of me, which comes out of me from time to time, but it feels like winter to me. I got out of my house today,a round 8 o'clock pm, and i sensed the winter on my skin..The roads were empty, the weather was chilly and i could somehow feel the winter arriving in town, slowly,slowly...Last Christmas i didn't even feel the Christmas spirit but this year, i feel it already...

Monday, September 12

One Thing

One thing is to start over, another thing is to mend your ways.

Every beginning requires a change of attitude...

                                  Are you ready to change Miss?

                                  Are you ready Mister?

Discover, See and Accept....Everything you see in you is a part of you and you can either accept it or reverse it.

It's up to you.

Tuesday, August 23


  1) People go on holidays. People stay at their homes. People stay at their homes but find a way to go on holiday on their own way. In which category are you in?...
   Most people find the summer vacation nice and relaxing but others can't afford going or they just don't want to go.  Understandable from all the points of view, i believe.

2)  This year i spent almost 2 months out of home and i have to admit, it was great! On the other hand, however, i had to say i was a full time traveller specialy during April and i got really and totally tired, din't even enjoy my easter-vacation. Anyway, just saying....
3) Last time i posted in this blog, i was announcing my plans to go to Kastoria, maybe bragging a little bit. Since then i went to Paris, Kalymnos(Greek island) and of course Kastoria. My holidays haven't come to their end quitte yet, i'm going to Santorini(Greek island) for 4 days and then couple of weeks later(maybe less) back to school. I can't say i'm really looking forward to this...
Those were 3 things i wanted to say, just that..
Oh, yeah i shouldn't forget to say (after quitte some time) a garfield theory..

Garfield theory: Holidays are not necessarily, just a chance for the mind to calm down and give you a boost of energy to help you go on for the rest of the year, unitl next holiday. Even without holiday everyone must find a way to relax sth little an every day hoby, or once a week, once a month do sth for yourself . IIt can be absolutely anything, could be 10 minutes more in the shower(i know, bad economy, bad for the environment nut just once in a while it won;t hurt, i guess), playing tennis, golf, basseball!Anything that will help you relax and help the others around you relax is good..

Tuesday, July 5

it's high time i left the city..

I'm going to Kastoria on Thursday, yeahhh I'll go by the airplane of course, who would drive 8-10 hours to get there?Not my father and definitely not me...

Kastoria is a very nice town sth like this..
My sister took that's picture of the lake, kind of nice isn't it?

Ok, I'll be even more specific,look at that:(i found the pic online, how convenient?)

And I''l stay there for 2 weeks, 14 days, 336 hours, 20.160 minutes(if i' m not mistaken), 1.209.600 seconds. Anyway, what i mean is that for all this time the only think i' m going to do is sleeping, surfing online and eating my beloved's grandmother great,delicious meals!Anyone jealous?

Sunday, June 19

bad situation...

     I have a friend, let's call her Cathy. She has a bffe, no problem with that and I'm not going to try and seperate them or sth but she is just so mean to me. She does all this stuff in front of my face, to be specific sometimes behind my back and for no reason at all she does stuff. Today, at a party where we were, she trow a glass of soda at my back and she didn't even refuse it, she just looked around doing like nothing happened. I tried to get closer to her many times, once in a while seems to respond and treat me nice...for a few seconds, then she starts again. I've asked her what's her problem but she won't answer!!!God, she drives me crazy!
   I think that because she has overweigh has troubles with being herself, the only thing she knows how to do is spread rumors and lie, she says so many lies, I don't know when to believe her and when to ignore her. I just wish she confronted me once and for all!Talk me about what she worries about and feels so threaten by me. The source of all these mean and hatred must be my friendship with Cathy . I hope she does sth before i quit ignoring her...

Thursday, May 26

an internet connection can ruin your nerves-sustem

    Don't you just hate it when the connection is loussy and in order to go from one website to another you have to wait 2 minues or so?Personally talking, it can be driven crazy this way. The weather sucks, it is raining poorly and this dumb connection is slower than a turtle with broken leg!!!!It took me ages in order to come to this page and write a post!.....I want to whine about everything in this world, from my bored-to-death dog which is lying next to me and the school's final exams which coommand me to study!!
   Generally talking, the atmosphere in the house is not better, my father was pissed off when i returned home from my exams and he yelled at me for no reason at all. I ignored him, just wasn;t in he mood to have a fall out with him, it would be meaningless. I asked my friends to go on a trip after school exams end, some of them seem fond of the idea but i can't tell the same for all of them...Some are just so pessimistic with the whole idea, the find troubles everywhere...


Tuesday, May 10

end already?

       More than 8 months have pasted since schools opened , after the summer holidays and now it's time to say "bye" to our everyday hobbies and activities again. Next year i'm going from jr high school to high school and as you understand  everything is going to be different, even my classmates....
     Yesterday we had a celebration in my school for the end of the year, but doesn't it seem a little paradox? Celebrating the end? It's like... well, I can't find a good example right now. I guess it's because i don't know how to express my feelings...
    All i want to say to my buddies is that " I just want to celebrate the new beginnings which tend to be just a step away, but not forget my past, where and who i was 3 months ago. So, shall we have a party or sth?" Ok, that's not it but sth alike. We are having a party at a club for "the end"...All the seniors in one club, it's going to be so....emotional....Crap, no more tears, we All cried enough yesterday...Crap, i hate "the ends"

Friday, April 1

1st of April, Sweet!

    If it isn't April first day the best of the year which is it?Ok, there are others good days, but today is when you can do any practical jokes you want without being misunderstood!!I, personally talking, switched sugar with the salt(yes my parents drank salt-coffe), set the clock 2 hours forward and put ketchup in the door handle.
  What happened at school?Oh God, I wish we had this day more regularly. We changed class and went to another. This was done by others classes too. The teachers just didn't know where to go, they kind of last it....
After school, I don't know why, I was in a bad mood, without a reason......Adolescence sucks...
I'm going to the theater on Sunday, I will see an operetta called "Love's bacterium".
4 days to go!!!

Sunday, March 27

Wednesday, March 16


I haven't posted anything for quite some time. The thing is that I don't have anything to talk about other than the books I've studied the last 3 weeks. My condition, for some time now, is boring, dull, nerves broken and no idea what to do in order to value my leisure time...Great...

20 days to go (to Denmark).

Saturday, March 5

just me..

    I don't know what's going to be honest.I read some things on the internet about loneliness about how is connected with adolescence and stuff...The most popular solution for them was, for the person who feels lonely, to start hanging out with his friends more and generally spend more time with others..In my opinion, I don't know it that is going to make it better or worse...Personally talking, I feel better alone.
   Yesterday, I was in a party and having fun, until one of the guys who love to make fun of me, started to bully me....I lose my happiness and got lost in my loneliness for once more.My friends tried to cheeer me up, but there was no point.Whatever....I just want to look out of the window and I'll be fine...

Saturday, February 19

special people

   Everyone is special, with his own and unique way.You might be fat or slim, genius or idiot, strong or weak but you are still unique and nobody can say that you are not.Despite, if we were all the same, the world would be boring, wouldn't it?Just imagine: A world full of men with black suits and women with pink blouses and white skirts, it sucks, doesn't it?That's only one of the billion scenarios, because as we said everyone is diffrent from the οther.But some people like the way they are and are annoyed when the other around them staring at them with a look full of critisism.
   Ok, lets get it the other way around.Imagine yourself(if you are not) be the one who is being teased by the others, you hate it and what are you going to do next?You will do what they did to you, but to some other kid and that kid to the next.Where does this lead to?To a place where everyone looks the other with suspiciousness, aggressive characters will be born this way and no-one will accept the other if it has not the same aggressive and dark soul.
  To sum up, what I want to say is that making fun of everyone who's different won't lead you nowhere.You'll have just enjoyed yourself for some minutes( probably everyday) .Then we will all be able to congratulate you for what you've done and the "special" kid which will be "different" from you.Nothing will help later, if you need to do sth, is to stop doing it.

Sunday, February 13

Valentine's Day :@:@

    No,no,no!!I refuse to accept that tomorrow (almost)everything and everyone will have that stupid smile in their faces!Come on people!Show some mercy here!!!Every patisserie,super market or the smallest shop in your corner that respects itself will have at least a dozen of heart shaped chocolates!!(Crap + crap * crap)/crap = crap
   I wish I had a Valentine.....Crap, I love chocolates so tomorrow I DON'T WANT TO SEE ANYTHING THAT REMINDS ME OF THE CRAPPY MISERABLE VALENTINE'S DAY.....
   +1)I take an exam on geometry tomorrow and If I'm really lucky I'll get a C.
 +2) I take and exam on ancient Greek on Tuesday and guess what!!I suck at these things...Crap!!!!

I wanna go on holidays!!!I wanna be left alone......Crap,crap,crap.....

Wednesday, February 9

"You son of a...hypocrite"

Today I called my tennis instructor hypocrite.He never watches us when we play, he talk with all the people who pass by the court.Today he saw us and said that were are disobedient and we don't follow his orders.I got really pissed off.So, after the lesson,in front of the other kids I asked him if I could say my opinion about him during the period of half-1 minute, but he wouldn't punish me or whine about it.He agreed.So I told him that he is a hypocrite and other stuff, if said the reasons why I believe that and he tried to deffence himself...The only thing I was thinking while he was talking was one "bullshits!!".Whatever...that son of a...hypocrite!!

I'm really tired,bored and sad.....I want to keep myself busy but I don't have anything to do except my miserable,crappy homework...Today I cried, for no reason at all, in the bathroom....I'm not alright...I need sth to do or thing or whatever...I have none to talk to...Crap.....The second's term exams have started and the only think I truly and honestly can't do is studying......Crap and Crap!!!

Friday, February 4

ski trip

     Yes,yes,yes lucky me.I'm going on a ski trip which is organised by my school's parent club.This trip will be great fun since we will be about 150 teenagers going around at the ski center.Every kid will have an escort(adult), for every 2-5 children will be 1 escort.My escort will be my friend's ,Catherine, mother.She will be escorting me,Catherine and Nely(Catherines little sister).We will have a ski tutor(once we are comp;letely irrelevant with the subject).ohh, I can't wait!!!
    The bad news is that we will have to be at the meeting point(where the buses will be) at 6.10 in the morning, so I'll have to wake up at 5:00, Catherine and her mum will pick me up from my home.
I may have other things to say but I don't remember right now, the only thing I know is that I must go to sleep at about 10.00 either wise,I'll not be moving tomorrow at all.
So, bye-bye for now!!

Thursday, January 27

my nerves are going to break!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!I want to scream so much!!!I'm just so angry with my father,my clothes and teachers and the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!It's just....I have to go shopping(and i have to go on Saturday and I really hate going shopping on Saturdays because i miss sleeping hours).In total I have like 4 trousers: 2 jeans and 2 for the PE.My one jean was lost and a hole was opened to one of my other trousers..Great just great!!It's not that we have financial problems or sth I'm just bored to going shopping and stuff...I also have to go and buy a layer for my bed because the other is old and broken down  and...whatever, my back hurts so we have to change it.What's the problem now??I have to go with my dad and we just can;t find the time to go together....I want to scream AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
++My tutor of maths and my teahcer of electric guitar changed their schedule once and I had to change mine and.....I want to scream!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25

kind of concert

Yesterday I went to a..kind of concert and it was absolutely amazing!!!I loved it!My favourite actor and actress(Panagiotis Petrakis & Adigoni Drakoulaki)Participated in it.He said a couple of songs, he is a singer too, he is going to bring out his first album in some months.He was the presenter!!!

 The concert was for charity and I had a fantastic time with my friend Catherine...That's all for now..Ohh yes, 64 days until going to Denmark!!

Saturday, January 22

going somewhere??

     Ladies and gentlemen, kids and grandpas it's true!!I'm going to Denmark with a european program!!++I was the 1st to be chosen(i had the best qualifications)!!!I'll go there for 5 days!!And later(the same month)I'll go in another 4 day trip(with school) aka I'll not be in my school for almost a month once, after the 4 day trip, it'll be Easter.
    No, I'm not done yet with the good news.I'll go to a concert where my favourite singer/actor will be singing!!!If that's not amazing what is it??I'm so excited for the travel and the concert!!!I wanna scream!!!

However, missing school time doesn't mean that I won't have any homework because being in this program means that you'll have to do a lot of projects and transformation(from greek to english, once the presentation will be presented in front of children from other countries).

Mmm, well that's all for now.Ladies and gentlemen, kids and grandpas you read the broadcoast of the 1.00 pm.More news whenever we have sth to tell!!

Thursday, January 13

..back to school..

    Hey everyone!How is you first week back at school/work going?Sucks, I know.Ohh, my crick?It went away 3 days after I posted the post about it.
    Every day passes so slow that I can almost watch everything arround me in slow motion!!
   Even the noisy ones,every class has some kids who talk or make noise, even them are quite!!!Please, for God's shake, do sth I'm bored here(I think while we are having a lesson).Some of them made quite good jokes from time to time, but now they've stopped.You never know, it may be just the first week.....
    This is not enough of course and my luck goes from the bad to the worse.My (lets say her)suppose to be best-friend has compaints for me.That I don't ask her anything and don't talk to much.She wasn't there for me when I needed her,I'm not saying I won't be there for her, but she can't say that kind of things!We may not be in our best right now, but I'll be there for her,as long as she lets me be, once she doesn't say a thing anything!Like: a complaint about her parents, someone, sth that troubles her...What in earth I'm I supposed to do Penelope?I'll stay around....I'll do my best..

That's all for now..Bye-bye guys and girls, I hope you have/had a better week than I do/did..

Monday, January 3

first post for 2011!!

    Happy new year!!Ok, I'm a little late!I know that I should have posted sth like that earlier but I was bored and know I'm kind of paralyzed...Not paralyzed but if I move my head to any direction my neck will pain as hell why?One word: Crick!It just came up!I had a terrible sleep and ....crap...I want to whine so much....I think this is how a bad year starts...
This is a song that I heard randomly from my sister...I think it fits my situation just great!

......Until my crick goes away don't expect me to write anything, except if it' s really important...