Wednesday, November 24

24/7 a week, back in action

   Sometimes we'd all love to have more or less hours a day.Right now I really need MORE!!!I need it to become 27 hours a day instead of 24.....I have a project and a have no time to spend on it without missing an activity or not doing my homework, so I need 3 more hours!!!!

Now, I have another statement to make : Why do we still have sun?I mean it's November for God's shake!!In 6 days we have December and some people can still get out of the house with a T-shirt and shorts!Come on people, it's time to rain and  snow, I WANT RAIN AND SNOW!!!!!I'm from Greece and it only snow once in 10 years (or more ) and rains (in winter) once a week.Why???????????????????


I've been playing tennis for 6 years when I stopped.Not because of me, I just couldn't have lessons the hours they could.They said that they would call me to arrange the hours(on September) but they didn't call me until 7 seven days ago.It looks like the economical crisis effect them......So, I'm playing again twice a week, as I used to.However, I haven't played tennis for 6 months so I'm a little bit out "out of the water" but after some practice I'll be as good as new. 

Garfield Theory : Before you go to sleep do some thinking : be glad to have your friends, feel pity about the bullies in your school/work and happy not to be them.After realizing why you should be glad, pity and happy you'll sleep much easier and much better.Believe me, I'm Garfield!

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