Saturday, November 27


    I'm "super-tired"!I know that this word doesn't excist but you get what I want to say, right??All the week I've been busy with all sorts of stuff and now I have 2 projects to finish and the 1 must be finished until Monday....Crap.The other girl, the one we had to fo the project together, backed off  and now because she is irresponsible and can't do the simplest things in the world and makes other do them for her, I'm supposed to do it by myself....Oh, Ady you've put me into so much troubles.....

As you can understand, I'm pretty pissed of, but tonight I got out with a friend of mine, John Janets, everyone is calling him Janets, so do I.He is such a good guy...We were talking for 2,5 hours, but then it got late and we had to seperate.He is one of the very rare boys who can talk to you without making annoying comments and stuff.He also paid for the drinks we got at starbucks, he is such a gentleman and most of all: a very good friend.I didn't get bored with him, somthing that comes in contrast with my relationship with my other fiends, who are mostly girls.When I'm with them we have nothing to talk about, but with him we talked about so many things that my friends aren't really inerested in.Before you make any conclusions, I have to say tha I see him as a friend and only.

     The worst part of my (now) week is that I won't sleep as much as I want neither tommorow becuse I have to wake up early so as to go shopping....Now the logic person will ask:Can't you postpone it?No, I can't because all my tracksuits are going to be thrown because they are all damaged......

Bye-Bye guys I got some sleeping to do.....

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