Saturday, November 20

last time

    Have you ever think that something from your everyday life might be the last time you'll do it?Everything can happen within 2 seconds so, have you ever thought of the last time?You never know when it is gonna be the last time you'll see a friend or have a walk with your dog, when it's gonna be the last time?
  They say that whatever is written to happen will eventually happen.You can't avoid it, you can't hide, the only think you can do is expecting the unexpected, you may feel less pain, that way.However, a large amount of humans wants to be safe and sound by be secured and suspicious about everything and everyone, but you can't live life from a electrical net around you which will protect you, needed it or not.No, that's no who it's supposed to be.We must live life, trying to do what we think it's best and in the end of a hard day the only thing you are called to do no matter what, is sleep.I really believe that even if it's 1 or 12 hours sleep is the best medicine for everyone.I know, relaxing might be tough sometimes, the though that you have forgotten to do sth doesn't leave you alone and the fear of the tommorow is right across the street!
      Conclusion:Remember every single moment of your life, take pictures, write songs or poems about the stuff you do and even if it;s the worst day(of your life at that moment) remember that there'll always be tomorrow and that there'll always  be a better day, even if it's in the end of the month, even if it's in the end of the year.

Garfield theory: People are supposed to have emotions, no many animals have this ability, so the fact that humanbeings has it, does it mean that we are made to be tortured?Yes, because if we didn't have emotions we wouldn't have  consciousness and the world would be a mess (worse than already is).

That's all for tonight and don't forget, the better days are about to come!


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