Thursday, November 18


   Being  an adolescent is really hard, even harder if you think that you have to communicate with other angry, strange, messed up guys and girls like you.Now, how we manage all this situation with our hormones all over the place and our parents telling us to study and go to university?The endless fights you have with your friends?The unbelievable bill you give to your parents after a shopping-therapy?Well, that's up to you.There are 3 transitions in one person's life: from a baby to a kid, from an adolescent to adult and from an adult to grandpa/ma.Most of us pass throw the hard time of changing from a apple-head kid to an immature an understanding young adult.This is a pretty unlikable situation that you are called to deal with.....
Some of us already have hard time with our non-best friends anymore and sister/brothers who get on our nerves and get to be to the same point as we are.
What a lucky life, you would think, but some times it's nice to have sb who sees the world with the same way you do, even if it's the next-door nerd who's trying to play the "cool-guy" or even if it's your dog you scratches you because it wants to have a walk.

Sometimes, you want to scream, ti's ok by me but ask your neightbor   firts.Other times you wanna cry, go to the bathroom, lock the door and do like you have a shower otherwise mummy and daddy will come and check if you are all right and the the psychotherapy begins.... Wanna go and drink all the alcohol and beer a party can have and just rock?
Go to a party, just make sure you have a good excuse to be hanged over the next day.Oh, and don't forget, if your parents come and pick you up drunk, let's just say that you wouldn't go to a party until the age of 26.

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