Sunday, November 7


 Everybody has made at least 1 project in his whole live.Some of them are easy, others..not so much.For example, today I had to make a project with a friend of mine and believe me, the very same moment we ended I was the happiest person in the world!We were thinking and writing for 4 and a half hours!If it wasn't for her sister, we wouldn't have ended until tommorow!
    It's kind of irrelevant but tommorow I'm going to the theater with a friend of mine to see the play called "Mary-Mary" where 2 of my favourite actors(Adigoni Drakoulaki,Panagiotis Petrakis) are the leading actors!!I can't wait!!!
Some of you(the readers)if I have any, may wonder why my nickname is garfield and sth more cool or whatever.This might be because I'm garfield in human form. I can sleep for more than 12 hours, I love candies and almost all the stuff that garfield does,including lasania.
Well, boys, girls dogs and cats goodbye for tonight as you probably know I don't say goodmorning neither goodevening nor goodnight, because I believe that sth will always bother,annoy, troubles you in the end of the day. Sth that will not let you relax and have the perfect night.
So, good-bye for tonight!

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